Anne and Mike met in 1993. They had both been interested in wine before then, but as their passion for each other grew, so did their passion for good wine and good food. They’ve been married since 1995 and live in Southern California with Clyde, their dog, Mrs. Dorothy Parker, their cat, and a random number of chickens.
Anne Louise Bannon is an established journalist, whose work has been seen in a wide variety of venues, including Wines & Vines, WineMaker,, Cooking Smart, Homeland Protection Professional, PC Magazine and in newspapers across the country. She is also the writer and editor of the YourFamilyViewer blog as well as fiction blog WhiteHouseRhapsody.
Michael Holland is an amateur winemaker, and has judged wines for the Cellarmasters, Los Angeles, competition, the Orange County Fair home winemaking competition and the Central Coast Home Winemakers competition.
Anne is responsible for the writing, editing and website maintenance of the site. You can contact her at
Mike is responsible for the tasting notes, research, and ad sales. You can contact him at
If you want to ask a general question or contact both of us at the same time, try