A cool concatenation of circumstances are happening this week and next. Anne is attending the Television Critics Association Press Tour, because Anne has another life as a TV critic (you can check out her TV blog at YourFamilyViewer.com). So, in honor of the OddBallGrape Wine FAQ contest, she’s asking some of the actors she’s hanging around their Wine FAQ.
Up today is Kunal Nayyar – Raj on The Big Bang Theory on CBS. (Anne did get a chance to interview Jim Parsons – aka Sheldon – but didn’t remember the Wine FAQ in time.) But Kunal’s a really nice guy and was happy to share his question with us.
“What is a sweet red wine. I love rieslings and gewürztraminer grapes from Germany. So what is a sweet red wine that a white wine drinker would enjoy?”
Our answer:
Lambrusco wines from Italian producers have some sweetness and some fizz. Okay, some re-treads from the 1960s – Riunite springs to mind – don’t have the fizz, so look for one that has the wire cage over the cork.
And there are red wines – Zinfandel comes to mind – where some of the fruitiness may be tied to residual sugar leftover from the winemaking process. Ports are always an option as well.
One of the coolest part of this experiment is that even the folks who don’t drink had really great questions. Which means some of you guys have great questions, as well. So be sure and send us your entry. The contest ends August 9. Click here for more information and rules.